Sunday, 26 May 2013

Get me out of this world now

Because when I wake up in the morning
I don't feel good,
I feel misunderstood
I look at the world and I feel sad
while everyone else simply thinks "too bad.."

Because it kills me to tell my little cousin
that heroes don't really exist
everyone is out to save themselves

Because it kills me to see myself
turn into this being i swore i'd never be
in an uncoordinated world
where happiness no longer exists

Because we live in a world where
"everybody gets depressed, it's totally normal"
and you don't hear your friends cries
when they need you the most because
you're too busy drowning in your own failures

Because I have no freedom
someone is watching my every move
i'd kill to get away

Because when I take a step back
and look at my life
all i see is a mess
all i see is me falling apart
and drifting away

Because when I was looking for happiness
all i found was people bleed

Because homework is stressful
exams are stressful
And when you go home and your home is work
you don't want to study any more

Because school is supposed to help
but instead the pressure put on students
is the reason they're collapsing
it's the reason they're drowning

Because the need for degrees
has left everyone frozen

Because I'm told every single day
that life only gets worse

Because when i open my hands to catch
I end up with blisters and bruises

Because the truth is hard to swallow
but my story is already written

Because the tears never stop

Because I'm losing my mind

"The world is full of kings and queens who blind your eyes and steal your dreams"

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