loves you if they pick an eyelash off of your face or wet a napkin and apply it
to your dirty skin. You didn’t ask for these things, but this person went ahead
and did it anyway. They don’t want to see you looking like a fool with
eyelashes and crumbs on your face. They notice these things. They really look
at you and are the first to notice if something is amiss with your beautiful
loves you if they assume the role of caretaker when you’re sick. Unsure if
someone really gives a shit about you? Fake a case of food poisoning and text
them being like, “oh my god, so sick. need water.” Depending on their response,
you’ll know whether or not they REALLY love you. “That’s terrible. Feel
better!” earns you a stay in friendship jail; “Do you need anything? I can come
over and bring you get well remedies!” gets you a cozy friendship suite. It’s
easy to care about someone when they don’t need you. It’s easy to love them
when they’re healthy and don’t ask you for anything beyond change for the
parking meter. Being sick is different. Being sick means asking someone to hold
your hair back when you vomit. Either love me with vomit in my hair or don’t
love me at all.
loves you if they call you out on your bullshit. They’re not passive, they
don’t just let you get away with murder. They know you well enough and care
about you enough to ask you to chill out, to tell you to
stop. They aren’t passive observers in your life, they are in the trenches.
They have an opinion about your decisions and the things you say and do. They
want to be a part of it; they want to be a part of you.
loves you if they don’t mind the quiet. They don’t mind running errands with
you or cleaning your apartment while blasting some annoying music. There’s no
pressure, no need to fill the silences. You know how with some of your friends
there needs to be some sort of activity for you to hang out? You don’t feel
comfortable just watching bad reality TV with them. You
need something that will keep the both of you busy to ensure there won’t be a
void. That’s not love. That’s “hey babe! i like you okay. do you wanna grab
lunch? i think we have enough to talk about to fill two hours!" It’s a
damn dream when you find someone you can do nothing with. Whether you’re
skydiving together or sitting at home and doing different things, it’s always
comfortable. That is fucking love.
loves you if they want you to be happy, even if that involves something that
doesn’t benefit them. They realize the things you need to do in order to be
content and come to terms with the fact that it might not include them. Never
underestimate the gift of understanding. When there are so many people who are
selfish and equate relationships as something that only must make them happy,
having someone around who can take their needs out of any given situation if
they need to.
loves you if they can order you food without having to be told what you want.
Somebody loves you if they rub your back at any given moment.Somebody loves
you if they don’t care about your job or how much money you make. It’s a
relationship where no one is selling something to the other. No one is the
prostitute. Somebody loves you if they’ll watch a movie starring Kate Hudson
because you really really want to see it. Somebody loves you if they’re able to
create their own separate world with you, away from the internet and your job
and family and friends. Just you and them.
will always love you. If you don’t think this is true, then you’re not paying
close enough attention."
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