Sunday 5 May 2013

I have a dream~

When I was six, I had a dream that by the time i was sixteen, I'd be famous. I don't know why and for what, but I was going to be all over the TV and the radio and my face would be on billboards and magazines. Everyone was going to know and love me and my life would have been perfect. Little did I know that no such thing like perfect exists.
When I was twelve, I had a dream that when I grew up I was going to be an amazing swimmer. One day I was going to go to the Olympics and represent my country. I wouldn't mind not being in the finals, just making it as far as the Olympics was good enough for me. I was going to get swimming scholarships for universities. I had my whole life planned out and nothing and no one was going to stop me. Little did i know
that a little later, in one day my life would change and I wouldn't be allowed to exercise that way ever again. After all, health over everything, right?
Now, I have a dream that one day i'll write a poem or a story i can be proud of to let sit in a museum exhibit as the only proof i existed. I have a dream that one day I'll stand in front of a massive crowd of people and have them stare in awe at the words I say. I want to touch peoples lives; inspire, fascinate, motivate them.
My parents named me Orla, which is an Irish name. Originally, it means golden lady and was a name given to queens and princesses. It was given to people who were thought they could do the impossible. When i learned that, I laughed, I don't know what to do with impossible! But i see impossible every day. Impossible is connecting with someone in this world. We meet all sorts of people all the time. Rich people that have nothing, poor people that have the world, kind people, not so kind people, funny people, people who think they're funny. We're constantly meeting people. But it's that impossible connection you get with some. It's what I strive for every time I write something and every time I stand on a stage and open my mouth.
This isn't my last piece of writing, but just in case, I'll try to get it right this time around.
Dreams come slow and they go fast
But I just want to remind you that while they last,
Remember that you can have it all, just not all at once.

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